Friday, April 18, 2008

Confessions of a Closet Organizer

These confessions are by a professional organizer. Do not attempt these stunts at home alone. Wait until I come to visit and I will "help" you:)

  1. All hangers must match. No wire hangers.
  2. Sort clothes by type and purpose (pants together, jeans together within pants section, etc.)
  3. Organize by color within each group, going light to dark
  4. Organize shoes in similar fashion with shelves labeled for optimal neatness
  5. Use and label bins to hold items on shelves
  6. Utilize small clothes hampers for sorting laundry to be cleaned
  7. Review each item (I do it spring and fall when I switch seasons) at least once a year to remove items your children would laugh at. If your children are too young to laugh at your clothes a sister is a better judge than a husband who says "it is fine".

#3 is really the key. I learned this system working at Nordstrom. I go from light to dark within colors and color groups. White, beige, yellow, orange, red, purple, green, blue, brown, black. Sometimes I mix it up with the purple, green and blue. It doesn't matter the order as much as order matters. I like to take it to the next level by, for example, going light to dark on dress pants, then dark to light on casual, then light to dark on the jeans so the color intensities kind of flow.

I love it! But, it doesn't keep me up at night so it's not technically obsessive.


Olivia Heilmann said...

I love your blog!

I must confess that we are two of a kind. My closet obsession matches your to a tee. My husband says it's "cute" I say it is PERFECT!

Esther Ogden said...

I think the key is SHOPPING at Nordstrom. That seems to be a good idea...=)

Andi Sherwood said...

I think a better title for the post would have been "Confessions of an OCD Closet Organizer." I can attest that your closet really is as organized as you have listed. I actually really like the labels. And I do like the color coordinating although it gets disturbing when someone else puts your clothes away and they don't pay attention to the color flow. Then you have to rearrange everything. :)

I love you, Mom. You're the best!


Bradley Dean said...

I'm in trouble when you come to visit Mom. My Closet only goes from Dark to light and light to dark when I turn on the light on and off.


Sure Love ya!

Bradley Dean said...

I think I would consider it obsessive. We went to a friend's house tonight for dinner and they invited some other friends too. The other lady that was there organized all the play necklaces they had gotten from Marti Graw party in colors, just for fun, that's how she was playing with them. I thought, wow, my Mom is kinda like that and I did not get that gene! I could care less, sometimes I wish I did care more, but othertimes, I really enjoy sleeping.

Angel Brockbank said...

LOVE the look, VERY CUTE! The last comment was from me (Angel) not Brad, sorry about that :)